Good evening Music Families!
Thank you all for attending our first concert of the year. We hope you enjoyed the first of our mini-concert series. For many students, this was their first opportunity to perform in such a professional setting and I was very happy with their work. We appreciated a full house and look forward to sharing more nights of music! Congratulations to all who contributed to the 4th Annual Christmas Market. It was a smashing success with almost 2000 people viewing 82 Vendors over the weekend. Our Spectrum music students and family members received a lot of praise from our patrons and every vendor wishes to return for next year. Our Bake Sale was a HIT, thank you to all the families who spent time baking well into the night. We made just over $1300, a Spectrum Music RECORD! My sincere Thanks to Cheryl Bowes, Lori Robson, Tracy Gudgeon, Deanna Braga and the Spectrum Music Parents Executive for coordinating a seamless, trouble-free event. I am truly grateful! With only a month left of school, we have a lot of performance opportunities on the horizon as marked on the Calendars sent home: Saturday, November 26th, 4:45pm - 40th Annual Peninsula Co-op Santa Parade This is one of our favourite parades where everyone in the music program bands together with decorated instruments and bring on the holidays with cheer. ALL Members are required to provide the best performance possible, like concerts, attendance is not optional. We look forward to representing Spectrum in our 19th Annual Parade. Parade organizers will be sending us specific start times and muster points this week. Friday, December 2nd - 7pm - Spectrum Theatre: An Evening of Jazz and Choir Monday, December 5th - All Day Event - Spectrum Senior Concert Band Elementary Tour More Info Available soon! Saturday, December 10th - Tuba Christmas Returns!- Open to Low Brass and Trumpet Players More Info Available soon! Tuesday/Wednesday, December 13th-14th - Spectrum Fine Arts Showcase Featuring Spectrum Senior Concert Band, Senior Jazz Band, Spectrum Dance, Musical Theatre, Drama, Art, Photography That is all for now. Thank you for supporting the Spectrum Music Department! -- Parker Jolliffe Director of Bands & Choir Spectrum Community School 957 Burnside Road West Victoria, BC V8Z 6E9 Tel: 250-479-8271 ext.512 [email protected] |